Always Include a Print Stylesheet

A print stylesheet is a stylesheet that's only applied to your website when the user goes to print it. A lot of sites will provide a "print version" of their page, which is a page which has the same content as the original page, but has different markup and layout to make it look better when printed. But creating a separate "print version" of your page is not necessary, you can simply use a print stylesheet to do all of the work.

Most websites have a lot of content which is very useful when browsing the site, but makes no sense being printed out on paper. Navigation menus, for example, are great for getting around a site, but are a waste of ink and paper if it gets printed every time a user prints a page from your site. You also don't really want background colours to be printed, as if your site has a dark background it's going to waste a lot of ink.

The internet and paper are two completely different types of media, and your site should adjust so that it's best suited for the media it is being presented on. While small fonts may look fine on a screen, they may be very difficult to read when printed. Banner images may make your website stand out from the rest, but it's just going to waste paper if it gets printed. Now I could go down the green route here and say that having a print stylesheet helps to save the environment. Less ink equals less paper, and not wasting paper is good for the environment. For most people this would be more than enough to encourage them to use a print stylesheet. But for the more business minded, print stylesheets take time to develop, and is it really worth the extra cost? Well, the answer is yes.

How many times have you gone to print a website, whether it's a flight itinerary or just a product description page, and you've had pointless images printed, the text goes over the edge of the page, and 5 pages or printed material comes out of the printer when you only really need the first page since the other 4 are just banner images? I've lost count of the number of times this has happened to me, and it's extremely frustrating. So much so in fact that I generally resort to just cut and pasting the text I want into a new document and printing it myself. This is a mild annoyance for me, but not the end of the world. But it means the company behind the site doesn't have their logo on my printed copy, and that's a missed opportunity. Plus a less frustrated customer is always an advantage right?

A print stylesheet takes minutes to build, but can make a world of difference for your users. For me, it's not so much the reason that I want my users to have a better experience (although I admit that should be driving force), it's that I want my designs to look as good on paper as it does on a screen. I want my sites to look great, no matter how a user chooses to view it.

So now that you're convinced that adding a print stylesheet is a good thing (or maybe you're not convinced, I'm still going to assume you are though, since otherwise it makes the next bit of this rather pointless) you may be wondering what a typical print stylesheet looks like, and how to include on on your page. Well, that's what this next part is all about.

Including a print stylesheet on your site is pretty straight forward. You add the CSS file like you would any other, but you make sure to select the media type of "print". That way the styles are only applied when the user goes to print the site, rather than all the time.
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="print" href="print.css"/>

Generally you will want to hide some elements that don't need to be printed such as sidebars, headers, menus, etc. This can be done by specifying "display: none". I've included the "!important" declaration just to be sure it gets applied and isn't overridden by anything else.
#additional-content   {
    display: none !important;

Another useful thing you can do with print stylesheets is to show the URL of any link after the link text. When viewing a website this isn't really necessary, since you can click the link. But when printed you have no way of knowing the URL for a link. I'm normally not a fan of using CSS to include content, but in this case it's very useful, so I like it.
a[href]:after {
    content: " (" attr(href) ") ";

You can use the print stylesheet to add page breaks too. If you have a list of blog posts for example, and you want them to print one to a page, then you can use the following bit of code,
.blog-post {
    page-break-before: always;

Does anyone else have any tips and tricks for things to include in print stylesheets? Does anyone prefer to create a "print version" of their page rather than using a print stylesheet, and if so, why? Comments on a postcard please, or you could just comment to this post.. your choice :)
Picture of Rich Adams.

Hi! I'm Rich. By day I work on cloud security at Indeed. By night I wear a cape and fight crime1. I'm on Twitter as @r_adams, and also used to write things on the PagerDuty blog.

1 probably not true